Thursday, April 22, 2010

By the No's

Well, it didn't take all that long to receive our notes from the judges. And they all said they would have to say no to "Stargazing". I must say that I am somewhat surprised. There was no expectation of everyone loving it instantaneously, but I did not anticipate a triple no.

As far as Tina-Sue and I are concerned though that just means we move on to the next stage which is simply developing "Stargazing" on our own; no further involvement with the Small Press Idol competition.

Just to be clear - there are no sour grapes here. I'm not concerned with any of the critiques, comments, or compliments for that matter. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and I won't be the one to step on that.

Please don't trouble yourself with voting for us as we are pursuing "Stargazing" through a different venue. Quite possibly it may end up being self-published. We will continue to run this blog. I'll be posting artwork and ramblings. I'm not sure just what Tina-Sue will be dropping in, but there will be more of "Stargazing"!

Tina-Sue and I are dedicated to "Stargazing" and shall continue developing it. Thanks for all of the kind support.

1 comment:

  1. Sadly, I know how you feel. I've had a similar experience. That was the reason I chose self-publishing. I have never regretted that decision.
